How to use the CLI
The CLI has a some commands you can execute. To see all commands open up the terminal and type in:
veams help
With that you can find help instructions how to use @veams/cli.
But we always want to provide a better explanation. Here we go:
contains some major commands. These are:
Command | Shortcut | Description |
generate | -g | Add a component or custom blueprint to your project (@see Command: generate) |
help | -h | Show the help. |
install | -i | Install extensions (@see Command: install). |
new | -n | Create something new (@see Command: new) |
update | -u | Update veams-cli and all packages |
version | -v | Show VEAMS version |
For one command you can provide arguments (veams command [arguments]
Command: new
The new
command creates a complete new setup for a project.
With that you can start to create a project from scratch.
The CLI guides you through a few questions and scaffolds a projects based on your given answers.
Arguments | Shortcut | Description | Example |
project | p | Create a new project from scratch. | veams new project |
Command: generate
The generate
command generates a blueprint
into your current project.
This could be a component, container or store for a React App, a new Mock API endpoint or a VEAMS
It is up to you how the blueprint
can look like. You want to know more?
Arguments | Shortcut | Description | Example |
component [name] | c | Add a component to your project | veams generate component slider |
utility [name] | u | Add an utility to your project | veams generate utility grid-col |
bp [name] | You can also add custom blueprints | veams generate react-container article |
Command: install
With the install
command you can integrate already existing blueprints
into you project.
Arguments | Shortcut | Description | Example |
blueprint [path] [type] | bp | Install a blueprint based on VEAMS . |
veams install blueprint C:\blueprint\slider component |
component [name] | c | Install a specific veams-component. | veams install component slider (--S) |
package [sugar name] | p | Install a custom external package from npm . |
veams install package my-custom-npm-slider slider |
utility [name] | u | Install a specific veams-utility. | veams install utility grid (--S) |