Veams Helpers
A simple helpers library categorized in:
- Array
- Browser
- Detection
- Function
- Object
- Operator
- String
- Utility
TypeScript is supported as well!
npm install @veams/helpers --save
yarn add @veams/helpers
Just import the helper you need:
import transitionEnd from '@veams/helpers/lib/detection/transition-end';
or the whole library
import * as helpers from '@veams/helpers';
Helpers in Detail
Array Helpers
forEach(array, callback, scope)
- @param {Array} array - array of objects
- @param {function} callback - callback function
- @param {string} scope - scope of function
Simple forEach method which can be used to iterate over an array.
indexOf(array, item)
- @param {Array} array - array in which we search for
- @param {Object} item - item which will be searched
Find index of a specific item in an array.
Browser Helpers
checkElementInContext(elem, context)
- @param {Object} elem - Element, which will be checked.
- @param {Object} context - Context element, in which our element could persists.
Check if element is in a specific context and return state as boolean.
getParamFromUrl(url, param)
- @param {String} url - given url
- @param {String} param - parameter (name)
Get value of parameter for given url.
querySelectorArray(sel, _context_)
- @param {String} elem - Required: selector
- @param {Object} [context] - Optional: context
Get dom elements in an array in a specific context. If context is not provided it uses document as context.
updateUrl(url, params)
- @param {String} url - url on which parameters should be added / updated
- @param {Object} params - parameters (name/value)
Add/Update multiple parameters for given url and returns a resulting URL string.
Detection Helpers
Detect animationend event.
detectSwipe(el, threshold)
- @param {Object} el - element to detect swipes on
- @param {Number} threshold - threshold for swipe (in px)
Detect swipe gestures.
isInViewport(elem, useBounds)
- @param {Object} elem - Object, which we want to check
- @param {boolean} useBounds - if true, whole element must be visible
Check if element is in viewport.
Touch detection helper which returns a boolean.
- @param {Node} elem - Element to check
Returns a number, if element is offscreen -1 for top, 1 for bottom, 0 otherwise.
Detect transition end event.
Function Helpers
methodExtend(to, from, methodName)
- @param {Object} to - view which will be extended.
- @param {Object} from - methods which comes from mixin.
- @param {String} methodName - function name.
Helper method to extend an already existing method.
mixin(from, _methods_ = ['initialize', 'render'])
- @param {Object} from - Mixin object which will be merged via Helpers.defaults with the methods of our class
- @param {Array} [methods] - Array of method names which will be extended.
Merge method functions. As second paramater you can provide an array of method names which will be extended.
Object Helpers
extend(a, b)
- @param {Object} a - object which will be extended.
- @param {Object} b - object which extending a.
Simple extend method to extend the properties of the object a
with b
. It overrides existing values of a
defaults(a, b)
- @param {Object} a - object which will be extended.
- @param {Object} b - object which extending a.
Simple extend method to extend the properties of the object a
with b
. It keeps existing values of a
Operator Helpers
throttle(func, wait, immediate)
- @param {function} func - Function which will be executed.
- @param {number} wait - number to wait in milliseconds.
- @param {boolean} immediate - execute function immediately.
Throttle method for resize events and more.
String Helpers
- @param {String} str - String where first char is upper cased
Capitalize first character in string.
- @param {String} str - String
String which will be hyphenated by replacing white space and lower case the characters.
- @param {String} str - String which will be camelcased
CamelCase strings by replacing hyphens, white space and points.
Utility Helpers
makeId(segments = 1)
- @param {Number} [segments=1] - number of segments of generated id (segments consist of 10 digits, separated by ‘-’).
Generates numeric id and returns a string.
- @param {string} regEx - Regular Expression
Return a new RegExp.
That’s it, have fun!