Markup and Classes
Modifiers classes are used to make small changes to the appearance of instruments.
Modifiers are useful when instrument customizations are small enough not to require creating a new context.
General Principles
The the example to the right shows the usage of a modifier (.is-active
) on a navigation element:
A modifier change is a small change. This could be a different background color, float direction or font-size.
You should declare modifier rules with
. -
Modifier changes should only change a small part of it’s context.
Example Modifier Snippet
Example modifier class (“is-active”) on a navigation element:
<nav class="b-navbar" id="site-menu">
<h2>Templating in PG</h2>
<ul class="navbar__list">
<li class="navbar__list-item">
<a class="navbar__link" href="../templating-in-pg/template-overview.html">Assemble Overview</a>
<li class="navbar__list-item">
<a class="navbar__link is-active" href="../templating-in-pg/template-layouts.html">Assemble Standard Layouts</a>
<li class="navbar__list-item">
<a class="navbar__link" href="../templating-in-pg/template-layouts--extended.html">Assemble Extended Layouts</a>